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November 14, 2015

Michele & Aaron- Anniversary Session |Savannah Wedding Photographer


3 Years ago I left a lifestyle that would change our lives forever. Troy was getting out of the military the only life our marriage had ever known and the only adult life I had ever known. I have never had a closer bond with a group of women as my military wive sisters. This life is where I made some of the BEST friends I will ever have.  To be honest I was truly terrified of what life would be like without the bond the military gives you and how I would meet new people and make new friends in a new city where I had no prior connections. Fast forward 3 years and I have a whole NEW community. A group of people I never expected would play such a huge role in my life. That is the community of Photographers I have been able to meet. Near and far they get me like no other and have given me some amazing friendships that I am truly grateful for. With that being said a lot like military wives I find it easy to connect with other photographers. To create instant friendships. When Michele first emailed me telling me she was a photographer in Atlanta and wanted photos celebrating their anniversary in Savannah I was SO EXCITED! One to meet another photographer friend and two because I think celebrating milestones like anniversaries are so important in life and in marriage.

Michele and Aaron arrived and just as I expected they were PERFECT. They were celebrating 10 YEARS of marriage and it felt like I was photographing newlyweds they were so giddy! I remember at one point during the shoot Michele told me “I just wanted photos our kids could look back on and think Marriage is a big deal.” I seriously could not love that or agree more. Marriage is a big deal and 10 years of it…thats AMAZING! I had so much fun wondering through Savannah with these two in their stunning attire hearing stories about their life and building a beautiful friendship! Congrats Aaron and Michele! I can’t wait to watch you two grow over a lifetime and I hope you continue to celebrate all the joy that is marriage in every way!


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